© 2024 janna dyk

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  1. [Ongoing - A revolving archive of past artworks]

  2. "I'm Not Thinking Right Now," graphite and thread with needle through book (1960s) on consciousness.

    "I'm Not Thinking Right Now," graphite and thread with needle through book (1960s) on consciousness.

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      "I'm Not Thinking Right Now," graphite and thread with needle through book (1960s) on consciousness.

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    "I'm not thinking right now..." 


    Book (published 1960s) with embroidered thread, graphite and needle.

    Installation view from "Unravelled," Beirut Art Center, curated by Rachel Dedman and Marie Muraccolie, with artists Majd Abdel Hamid, Mounira Al Solh, Yto Barrada, Taysir Batniji, Alighiero e Boetti, Michele Cohen, Janna Dyk, Mona Hatoum, Sheila Hicks, Annette Messager, Khalil Rabah, Karen Reimer, Nasri Sayegh, Laure Tixier, and Raed Yassin.


    2016 Unravelled, group exhibition, Beirut Art Center, curated by Marie Muracciole, Rachel Dedman, Lebanon.

    "Unravelled," The New York Times, Global Art Section, September 9, 2016

    "Sortir la broderie de son carcan << domestique et pas sexy>>," L'Orient Du Jour, October 6, 2016


    "Sortir la broderie de son carcan << domestique et pas sexy>>," L'Orient Du Jour, October 6, 2016

    "Et aussi dans I am not thinking right now de Janna Dyk qui vient chambouler l'ordre des choses en insérant des fils partout au-dessus des pages de The Origins and History of Consciousness, un ouvrage de Erich Neumann qui corrobore la pensée controversée de Carl Jung qui prétendait que la conscience est un attribut strictement masculin. La preuve qu'on peut piocher dans un « art du passé », et, avec, inventer l'avenir."

  3. Alignment, from&amp;nbsp;Communication&amp;nbsp;Objects, 2012 Digital C-Prints 16 x 20 in.


    from Communication Objects, 2012

    Digital C-Prints

    16 x 20 in.

    Communication Objects, 2012

    Digital C-Prints

    16 x 20 in.

  4. "conversational mathematics"
    Rice-paper book with ink and embroidery

  5. "Some people," graphite and embroidery on paper, 2013

    From the series:  Conversational Mathematics


    Shall We Talk, or Will We Just Gaze?,” Hunter College 205 Hudson, NY, 2013.

    “Janna Dyk: Shall We Talk, or Will We Just Gaze?,” Curator Magazine, May 2014^

  6. is this it? (. / Is / this / it / this / is / it / ?,)


    is this it? is a series of Digital C-Prints of hand-embroidered texts, whose meanings alter poetically depending on the way they are installed in a space.

  7. “Sit here, -”, 2015
    Embroidery and needlepoint on canvas
    13x19 in.

    From series To Tell You (Was to Not)

  8. To Tell You (Was to Not)

    Installation with digital c-print photographs, an unplayed video, a hand embroidered rug, and composed poetic texts:


    To Tell You is a series of photographs, a video, and a text, examining the nature of remembered conversation.

    Installation photos by Adam Golfer of the May-June 2015 group exhibition at 205 Hudson Gallery (New York).

    A revised version of the text was performed at the St. Mark's Poetry Project (New York), in November 2019, and again in May 2017 at the Marble House Project (Vermont).


    2015  Exhibition, 205 Hudson Gallery (New York).

    2017  Reading, Marble House Project (Vermont)

    2019  Reading, St. Mark's Poetry Project (New York)

  9. &quot;Through a Glass Dimly,&quot; interactive performance, in &quot;All Of The Above&quot; curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 Keena Gonzalez. All rights reserved.

    "Through a Glass Dimly," interactive performance, in "All Of The Above" curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 Keena Gonzalez. All rights reserved.

    &quot;Through a Glass Dimly,&quot; interactive performance, in &quot;All Of The Above&quot; curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 JML Photo.

    "Through a Glass Dimly," interactive performance, in "All Of The Above" curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 JML Photo.

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      "Through a Glass Dimly," interactive performance, in "All Of The Above" curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 Keena Gonzalez. All rights reserved.

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      "Through a Glass Dimly," interactive performance, in "All Of The Above" curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle. Image (c) 2013 JML Photo.

    "Through a Glass Dimly," interactive performance with sculpture juried for The Church of St. Paul the Apostle.



    "All Of The Above," curated by Michael Benrube and Keena Gonzalez, at The Church Of St Paul The Apostle, New York, New York.

    Image (c) 2013 JML Photo.

  10. 21 DAYS

    2009-10 / 2020

    For three weeks in 2009, pre-selfie-culture, 36 people from 6 countries were asked to take a photo and write of themselves, sent to the artist.  In 2020 the project’s documents were excavated for an exhibition on technology and vulnerability.


    2020 “Redirect,” group exhibition, curated by Suzanne Dittenbar, Tiger Strikes Asteroid SE /Revolve/RAMP Gallery, Asheville, NC, Jan. 24 - Feb. 24.

    2020 Panel discussion on technology and changing sociopolitical landscapes, with Lei Han, Joyce Lee, Ben Duvall, and Victoria Bradbury, RAMP, Asheville, NC, Jan. 

    2020   “Slow Connection: TSA presents REDIRECT in Asheville,” BURNAWAY Art Review, Feb. 13, 2020 

    2020    Essay by Paddy Johnson, Exhibition Catalogue, TXTbooks (Brooklyn) and TSA SE (Asheville).

  11. &quot;Apple-Eating,&quot; Digital Photo of Time-Lapse 2009


    Digital Photo of Time-Lapse


    Every Photo Posted Yesterday on Facebook, Graphite and pen sketch 2014

    Every Photo Posted Yesterday on Facebook,

    Graphite and pen sketch


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      Digital Photo of Time-Lapse


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      Every Photo Posted Yesterday on Facebook,

      Graphite and pen sketch



    Digital Photo of Time-Lapse
