curatorial - Installation view of Relative Material, NURTUREart, curated by Janna Dyk. Works pictured: "A House Without a Roof," Adam Golfer (left); "Los in Translation," Asuka Goto (right).
artworks - Installation view from Unravelled, Beirut Art Center, curated by Rachel Dedman and Marie Muraccolie. Work pictured: "I'm Not Thinking Right Now."
talks - “Family Legacy, Trauma, and the Female Gaze,” moderated by Janna Dyk, with neuroscientist Dr. Thiago Arzua (Columbia University), and artist Ana Vallejo, in conjunction w/ exhibition, In Sight / Within, PICTO Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
texts - "F A M I L Y," experimental prose for book, Encyclopedia of Things, edited by Elisabeth Schmolarz and Michelle Levy, Spectre Books, (Leipzig, Germany), 2022. Images: Elisabeth Schmolarz. Text: Janna Dyk.